Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Week 3: Ethics & Social Responsibility- Crystal Renn Chanel Ad

    Chanel experienced controversy over the campaign with plus size model Crystal Renn. Critics question Karl Lagerfeld for shooting Crystal Renn from the neck up, cropping the rest of her body out of the photograph. As a result Karl Lagerfeld reply "Chanel is not ready to use plus sized women in their campaigns."  But on the other hand; Crystal Renn was delighted that she got the the booking she says "working with Chanel has been my dream forever”.
      I believe that Karl Lagerfeld didn't intent to cropped Renn out because he knew she was a plus size model from the beginning and he booked her, I think he had a vision of the look he was going for this particular ad and Crystal Renn capture that essence of what he wanted.  


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