Monday, February 28, 2011

CH 5- Global Vision- Chanel Worldwide

Chanel stores can be found in six regions, Asia, Europe, Middle East, North American, Oceania and South America. The company has over 200 boutiques world wide. Chanel is also available at airports.
(Suvannabhumi Airport, Bangkok)

I think it is a great idea to have Chanel items be available at airports because it is convient for the last minute shoppers and passengers. Majority of Chanel sales are from international resources. I think it is  great idea to have Chanel available almost everywhere, it is a great strategic plan because it promotes the brand to all diverse cultures of people and it exposes the people to fashion.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Week 4: The Marketing Environment- Chanel cuts down

    Chanel has been deeply effected by the economic crisis.The company had a upcoming new project to tour their global art installation to 86 cities around the world throughout 2010. However they had to cancel the operation because the company could not afford it. A Chanel spokeswoman told WWD "Considering the current economic crisis, we decided it was best to stop the project, We will be concentrating on strategic growth investments." ( I think it is a good idea for Chanel to postpone the project because it would be a waste to put so much effort into it during a recession where no funds would not come in because consumers are affected by the economy.
   Chanel also cut 200 jobs because sales have decline. Commentators described the job losses as the "label’s worst crisis since founder Coco Chanel fired all her staff at the outbreak of war in 1939"(
 Many high brands are affected by the reccession, however I am confident that Chanel will recover because it is one of those brand that a woman can't resist. The celebrities especially are satisify with Chanel and continue buying the company's handbags, although the economy has no or little effect on them. 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Week 3: Ethics & Social Responsibility- Crystal Renn Chanel Ad

    Chanel experienced controversy over the campaign with plus size model Crystal Renn. Critics question Karl Lagerfeld for shooting Crystal Renn from the neck up, cropping the rest of her body out of the photograph. As a result Karl Lagerfeld reply "Chanel is not ready to use plus sized women in their campaigns."  But on the other hand; Crystal Renn was delighted that she got the the booking she says "working with Chanel has been my dream forever”.
      I believe that Karl Lagerfeld didn't intent to cropped Renn out because he knew she was a plus size model from the beginning and he booked her, I think he had a vision of the look he was going for this particular ad and Crystal Renn capture that essence of what he wanted.  


Week 2: Strategic Planning: Spring 2011 Campaign

As Spring is approaching, Karl Lagerfeld shows his first look at the 2011 campaign with a punk rock style. This campaign is way different than the usual Chanel ad. I think it is a great idea for Lagerfeld to change it up becuase it invites a new audience of woman whose style is more edgey. What makes Chanel a desirable brand is its quality and diverse style. The advantage of this company is it doesn't have to try so hard to make customers want to buy there item. Some customers are influenced by the media, almost every female celebrity owns a Chanel bag such as Paris Hilton, Victoria Beckham and the Olsen twins. Others just want to own something from Chanel because of its elegnance and quality. 

(Baptiste Giabiconi, Freja Beha Erichsen, Stella Tennant)

Monday, February 7, 2011

Week 1: The Mission Statement

The "classic" Chanel handbag is not any ordinary bag, it captures a woman feminity and independence. Chanel strives to maintain there high status brand and they love to challenge the company to modernize and recreate a handbag that is unique and sosphicated. The strength of Chanel is there consumers because it consists of a wide range of diverse people such as celebrities and even a New Yorker on the street. There motive is to preserve the quality and the elegnance of the brand.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Week 1: The Story Behind Chanel

Gabrielle Chanel is one of the most influential designer, her designs haven't changed much but her dominating palette today inspires and captivates the fashion trend for the 20th century.
Gabrielle career didn't start out as a designer, she was a concert singer in 1905 and became known as "Coco" becuase she was always singing "Ko Ko Ri Ko" and "Qui qua vu Coco". The starting point of her career was with her relationship with Arthur Capel who encourage her to open her first hat boutique, fashion boutique and fashion house.  In 1922, Coco created her first signature perfume called "Chanel No. 5", in fact her fragnace today is still one of the most profitable item. In 1925, Coco designed her first cardigan jacket and the "little black dress" in 1926. However, Chanel's business in Paris was on hold for a few years because she served as a nurse in World War one. But in 1954, Coco Chanel came back with a more casual type of clothing such as the pea jackets, suits,bell bottom pants and the classic purse. In 1971, Coco Chanel past away and the chief designer Karl Lagerfeld is now the person behind it all who is recapturing Coco Chanel vision of design.