Sunday, March 6, 2011

CH 6- Consumer Decision Making- Chanel's influence

Chanel has a sustainable competitive advantage. There ad campaigns not only influence consumers but also the media. Celebrities are a main part of the company sales. Kim Kardashian, Blake Lively, Paris Hilton, and much others are infactuated by Chanel. They expose the brand to the public when the parapazzi has a snapshot of them shopping at Chanel or even caught wearing the company's products. Some people look up to these celebrities, and want to be just like them this also persuades consumers in their decision. Other consumers look at the quality, texture, and even appearance of what there are purchasing. Buying a Chanel item you know you will be a satisify consumer with there products because of the elegance and sophiscation protray in these  handbags.                                                                                                              

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