Monday, March 28, 2011

CH 18- Sales

Chanel does not use sales promotion, the company does use advertising to expose the brand.
Sales Promotion= is short term incentive  that motivates consumers or members of the distribution channel to purchase a good or service immediately, either by lowering the price or by adding value. (MKTG)

Chanel is a high end luxury brand that does not give coupons, rebates, or premiums. However you can find sample testers of Chanel fragnances at Macys.
Sampling= a promotional program that allows the consumer the opportunity to try a product or service for free
What I like about Macys is that you don't really have to buy the fragnance just spray the samples all over you and walk out. (yes i did this) The good thing about Chanel fragnance is it last long, so when people are familiar with this unique scent they think you actually bought it. And when the scent is gone, go back to Macys and do it all over again ( maybe this time move on to a different fragance).

Monday, March 21, 2011

CH 17- Advertising and PR- Chanel new Ad

Every season, Chanel provides a new campaign. The company promotes international through ads in magazines, on the web, commercials and the media. In fact my professor email me the new Chanel ad with Keira Knightley (thanks professor).
Chanel is one of those high end brands that don't need to try as hard in advertising because of the exposure it gets from Hollywood and woman just want something from Chanel because of the history behind it. Coco Chanel was the first to break out of the corsets and make suits and the "little black dress". Also her fragnance Chanel No. 5  is sold every 30 seconds and sales generates of $100 million dollars a year reported by the French government.

Monday, March 14, 2011

CH 15- Retailing- My visit to the Chanel boutique

I went to the Chanel store on Saturday, unfortunately there were no other consumers there just me and my mom. There was two salespeople and the security guard (he was hot!). I felt a little akward and uncomfortable because the salepeople just stare at us didn't approach us or even greeted us. Anyways I saw these cute black long boots, checked under the heel and it said $3,016. In my mind I am thinking OMG ! Then I went to check the handbags out, well let's just say Keep on dreaming. Afterthat me and my mom walked out sadly, but the security guard winked at me and then I ate icecream and went back on the train.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

CH 6- Consumer Decision Making- Chanel's influence

Chanel has a sustainable competitive advantage. There ad campaigns not only influence consumers but also the media. Celebrities are a main part of the company sales. Kim Kardashian, Blake Lively, Paris Hilton, and much others are infactuated by Chanel. They expose the brand to the public when the parapazzi has a snapshot of them shopping at Chanel or even caught wearing the company's products. Some people look up to these celebrities, and want to be just like them this also persuades consumers in their decision. Other consumers look at the quality, texture, and even appearance of what there are purchasing. Buying a Chanel item you know you will be a satisify consumer with there products because of the elegance and sophiscation protray in these  handbags.                                                                                                              

Week 4 contin. - Chanel Handbag Made from Paperbag w/ Sharpie

I wanted to share this picture because I thought it was funny that the young man is making fun of those people who won't accept anything less than a Chanel handbag. I think it is good press for the company because the person is promoting the brand, although maybe not it a postive way, it can possible result in exposure to new consumers.